Quit Your Job, Sell Your Stuff, Make Your Life Yours
Learn how to get into the mindset of simple living to pursue your dreams.
Be frugal, be free, and be happier for it!
The Dirtbag Dao is a blog about the philosophy of frugality and anti-consumerism through the lens of nomadism. You don’t have to be a nomad or even want to travel to apply these values to your life. You just have to desire to get more out of life than work you don’t enjoy, or end the endless to-do list, or help the environment, or ‘live simply so others may simply live’. Whatever your reasons for stopping in, welcome.
We found a place to kick up our feet, dig in the dirt, and get to know for part of the year.
Find out why my womb will always reman barren with peaceful tumbleweeds blowing across it
Traveling full-time in an RV is an unlikely way to experience some of the best of what communal living can offer.
My quarterly life update- this one’s about weird desert living, turd taxis, and nomad friends, hurray!
From bad investments to climate change to never-ending to do lists, here’s why I have no interest in owning a house.
A shitty example of how to reframe your perspective and appreciate what you already have.
Learn why mini retirements are important and how to get extended time away from work to fully enjoy your life.
The parable of the Chinese farmer teaches us that nothing is purely good or bad and how to control our thoughts to gain more tranquility in our lives.
Both RVing and backpacking are good options for nomad life, but which one is right for you?
Why we live life on the road as full-time RV nomads to make the most out of our time, save money, and live simply.
Vanlife? RV life? Which one is right for you? Learn about the 5 types of vehicle residents that live out of rigs of all shapes and sizes.